Jeffrey Hap is a Florida Divorce Attorney located in Jupiter Florida and practices Family law and related areas. He has been practicing in Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens, North Palm Beach,Stuart and Martin County since 1996.
There are very few things as important as children. At the Law Firm of Jeffrey Hap, one of the most important issues that often arise with our clients concerns the custody of children. In child custody cases, the Court is obligated to do what is in the best interest of your child. In order for the Court to make the right decisions, it is important that the unique and specific circumstances of your case are brought to the Court’s attention.
The Law Firm of Jeffrey Hap will work with you, and expert professionals if necessary, to be sure to gather all the relevant facts and develop a legal strategy which meets you and your child’s needs.
Contact the Law Firm of Jeffrey Hap for a free consultation at your earliest convenience.
Child Custody Attorney West Palm Beach, South Florida Child
Custody Lawyer